Seeing as I lost a chunk of years to bad health, I am taking them back!! Today I am celebrating my 6th, 30th birthday!! Happy Birthday to me!
If this last year is any indicator of how my 36th year on this planet will go….I am going to have another incredible year! I have made amazing friends from Boulder, Colorado (Shout out to my Davis Phinney Crew) to New York City. Not to mention I will be going to Montreal in October for the World Parkinson’s Congress, when I will get to see many of my Facebook friends, who some I have never meet in person. Holla!
Yes, my Parkinson’s will progress and most likely I will take some trips to the hospital, but I am not alone, because I have many people that love me. I am blessed. It is midnight and I am already starting to get the “Happy Birthday” messages rolling in. I can’t wait to wake up tomorrow and enjoy it. Yes, I am may be a year older, but I am also a year richer with love and encouragement.
Thank you to all my friends and family……without you I would be nothing.
Happy Birthday Month! I think s’mores made with Reeses Peanut Butter Cups is still breaking some kind of Law of Nature, but no one had to go to the E.R.
I just finished your e-book. Well done! You have had quite an adventure so far. I want to share with you my favorite quote,
” Don’t Count the Days, Make the Days Count”
Happy Birthday.
I love the quote! Makes you really appreciate the time that you have…which as you know, we tend to take for granted. Thanks for the comment!
Hippo, birdie, two ewes.
I get it!!!
A very happy birthday!!!Keep going strong! Thank you for helping us all.
Happy Happy and healthy Birthday Ally!! May this be your most amazing year ever! You are a blessing to so many people. Diane and Jay
oh – i do love the sound of do-overs . . . i’m a little older but i think the idea of redoing a year is great! . . . and just for the record . . PD is not going to get you – I believe in finding a cure! and that hope – is my birthday wish for you – happy birthday!