I was at the mall last week shopping for nothing in particular, which is never good. I will spend time and money that I don’t have on things that I don’t need, but it’s a skill that every girl has perfected. As I am looking through the racks of clothes on clearance, I notice a young girl, no older than 14 talking on a cell phone. She is gabbing about some boy, while she chomps on a huge ball of bubble gum. She was dressed in something that you could call shorts, but really the looked like underwear. She wore what looked like the top to a bikini with a sheer cover up over her. With her booty hanging out, while she clumped around in her summer wedge heels. She was wearing more makeup than Lady Gaga and I couldn’t help be staring at the hot mess in front of me.
Trying to focus on my frivolous shopping was no use, I just kept thinking that my mother would have never let me out of the house looking like this 14-year-old girl, let alone have a cell phone. This made me reflect, “Am I really that old that teenagers are looking like hussies?” Trying to find reason to the madness in front of me, I thought about how I was raised. Yes, it is true that I would sneak clothing that my parents banned me from wearing into my backpack. Then when I got to school or the mall, I would change into the forbidden clothing…..sorry Mom and Dad. But I never went this far.
This got me thinking about various rules that my parents enforced as a young lady. I will treat you with a few examples:
1. Always wear pantyhose and a slip when wearing a dress or skirt.
2. Girl’s do not call boys. It was inappropriate.
3. Forget about going to a boys house….not happening.
4. Always suck in your stomach and sit up straight.
5. It is rude to call anyone after 9pm.
6. Boys are not allowed in your bedroom with the door shut.
7. You do not get your ears pierced until age 13.
8. You must never wear a dress that so sheer that it shows the shape of your body.
9. Nothing shorter than your kneecap….period
10. No sugary breakfast cereals allowed.
These rules drove me bonkers as a young lady, but now as an adult, I am glad they did….because I would like to think that I didn’t turn out too bad! I am curious, what rules do you remember that your parents enforced as a child?
Our Mothers must be related… I had every one of those rules too! Some modifications… #6 Boys were not even allowed in my bedroom…not even with the door open. #7 Ear piercing was allowed at age 10, but only stud earrings, hoops were not allowed. #11 No high heels (# 2 inches were considered high) until high school !!
Maybe they take a “mothers know best” class? Thanks for the comment!
Wow, every one of those rules, except no pierced ears, period!
You were a lucky girl, Allison, to have had parents who cared that much.