I am in complete denial that I am getting older. My brother went to his 20-year high school class reunion this year…. I laughed at him, until I did the math. My 20-year reunion is next year! How is this possible? I used to go days without wearing makeup as a teenager, but now, I couldn’t imagine leaving the house without at least putting some foundation to cover my liver spots and minimize my baby crow’s feet. This year, I will be celebrating my 7th, 30th birthday. I refuse to make that jump into official adulthood. This leaves me pondering, where did the time go?
So there I am, sitting at my office scanning the latest posts on Facebook. I’m chomping on a turkey sandwich, complete with all the fixing’s and stacked with multigrain bread, when I bite down on something hard. After making a face that looks like I just stepped in fresh dog poop, I spit out a chunk of my tooth. Can you believe it? Not only am I getting older, I am decomposing as we speak!
I make a quick call to my dentist, trying not to panic, I remind myself to stay calm. Knowing my luck, the anxiety of losing a tooth could spike my cortisol levels, causing me to have a panic attack, which would lead me to think that I was having a stroke. I would then freak out! I would call 911 and describe to the dispatcher that my 20-year class reunion is coming up next year, and my liver spots are celebrating my 37th birthday in my office where my already deteriorating teeth are falling out of my head. At my elderly age, who knows what complications can arise from that escapade… I digress.
I saw my dentist that afternoon and swallowed a $1200 bill…ughhhh. All for a turkey sandwich! I didn’t even have a cool story to go with my chipped tooth… like a Yeti attacked me! I asked my dentist why I seemed to be having more dental problems, and he responds casually, “It’s just your condition”. Ummmm, which one of the many “conditions” that I have is he implying to. You guessed it! Parkinson’s disease strikes again!
Many medications that we take for Parkinson’s disease cause dry mouth, which leads to tooth decay. Salvation contains antibodies that fight infection, a dry mouth can lead to decay and gum disease. This condition can also be made worse when a person has trouble swallowing. Then to top it off, rigidity, which is a common symptom of Parkinson’s disease, can lead to you grinding down those pearly whites. There is nothing more that I can say other than, “This Sucks!”
So not only did I not have a cool story about fighting a Yeti, I had to invest in preventative measures to protect the possibility of my elderly mouth from decomposing anymore. I have to use a special mouth rinse to help with the dry mouth and now wear a mouth guard to bed at night… I know, super sexy! Getting older is so not cool and I am not a fan!
well, I’ll try not to comment on the age thing…cause when I was in college I never even thought what life at 37 would be like..I never got passed 30 because it was another lifetime ago…..now, as a newly, soon-to-be senior citizen, I can’t wait for the discounts……so life changes and you want to be older cause your pocket book gets cheaper, and dinner hour gets earilier….
now the teeth; I have had 3 out of the 4 quadrants in my mouth either crowned, bridged, or root canal-ed or all three, each quadrant is the price of a luxurious cruise….I feel your pain….
I could only wish I was as “old” as you…… I already had my 10 year reunion before you were born…. boy am I old! You’re great .. and perky .. and young!!!!
Your a baby, I had no idea you are so young. My daughter will be 36 this year and I will be 56 in July. Errr, Now I feel really old.
What a fabulous post!!!! You made me laugh and made me think! I may not have Parkinson’s, but I do take medications that P patients take for my Dopa Responsive Dystonia. I’m going to share this entry on my RainyDayFriend FB page since I just loved it!! 🙂
Thanks for the comment and the share!
Well Perkie, it happens to us all. One day you wake up in you’re 60 (or more). Sun spots are getting bigger, vision getting poorer, …..well, you know the drill. One day in the very near future we will transcend these bodies, that yank us into the grave and we’ll live virtually in a jar. Something to look forward to.
But you can still dazzle them with your charm and fine smiles and moves. Yes, we are getting older, but we can still make the move, just in a “different way”‘.
By the way, I am involved with the planning of and going to my high school class’s 40 year reunion.