Perky Parkie’s Pet Peeves… now that is a mouthful! Try to say it 10 times fast… you can’t, it’s impossible. But what isn’t impossible is creating a list detailing some of the things that drive me bonkers! Just because I am the Perky Parkie doesn’t imply that I am Pollyanna all the time. I have things that make me sad, angry or irritated and to prove that, I have created a list (in random order) of the top pet peeves that make me see red. You have been warned…
- People who don’t use their turn signals. I know that pushing a lever can be difficult, but I believe in you! You can do this! But if you need more detailed directions because you have forgotten how to operate a motor vehicle, click this link: I am lazy.
- When your pharmacy changes a manufacture of your medication without telling you. Don’t think that we don’t notice that our pills are different shapes and colors. This makes me irritated because not all medications are created equal and if it ain’t broke, then don’t fix it.
- When someone coughs or sneezes on you. If I can feel your hot breath on my face as you cough, or the spray of your sneeze on my neck, we have a problem.
- When you have a craving for Frozen Yogurt, (which is like everyday) but you are too lazy to get in your car and drive to the nearest shop. This is when you have to bribe a friend to take your insulated, vacuumed-sealed, professional-use-only container to the nearest fro yo store and fill ‘er up!
- When you own a eco-friendly Prius and still have the nerve to throw litter out your window. Yes, there are people who really do this, just ask my neighbor.
- Unnecessary Internet slang. Really people? I get that it’s a way of communicating emotion, but it has gotten a little out of control. WBY? KWIS? LOL. MERP. Translation: What about you? Know what I am saying? Laughing out loud. Meaningless word for when you don’t know what to say.
- When your medications decide for you that they are not going to work for a few hours, only to then hit you so hard that you feel nauseous and dyskinetic. What’s up with that?!
- When people don’t pick up after their dogs. What’s worse? When there are doggy poo bags just a few feet away!
- At the gym, when people don’t put up their weights. Now, come on! You were strong enough to do bicep curls in front of the mirror while grunting, but too weak to rack them?
10. When someone says “Well Parkinson’s doesn’t kill you, so that’s good.” Before you put your foot in your mouth, be sure to read the other 11 things not to say to someone with Parkinson’s.
This list isn’t all of the wonderful pet peeves that I have, but I have given you a glimpse into what drives me nuts. Now, use your turn signal and answer me this… what makes you crazy?
Our lists of pet peeves are almost identical. Here’s another one that’s high on my list- people who carry on cell phone conservations in public that should be kept private especially if they are in a restroom of all places! I rue the day that airlines permit passengers to use cell phones during the flight.
One of my pet perves.
I have developed a love hate relationship with my mascara and eyeliner. It seems as though everytime I sit down at my make up table and start to put on my make up my parkinsons wants to play a joke on me. I end up looking like I put my eyeliner on during an earthquake. and just when I am all most done with my mascara I get a big flinch and it looks like I have two sets of eyelashes. You know like how sharks have 2 rows of teeth. Not exactly Attractive.
Yes, I can imagine not a cool look! But just be careful when you use the eyelash curler… I have had some fun times with PD and yanking out my eyelashes.
Hard Butter and people who smack their gum and chew popcorn loud at the movies!
Traffic lights that are timed to turn red when you get there, impeding the flow of traffic, rather than facilitating it. Generally anything or person that wastes my time.
People who don’t pickup after their dogs… It drives me crazy! I have 5 adorable doggies at home and everyone at home pick up after them. What really gets me is when I walk outside of my house and step in dog doo doo! I know its clearly not from any of my dogs because we all pick up after them… THE NERVE SOME PEOPLE HAVE! I mean come on… This is in the front of my own house! Just pick up after yourself and your dog, how hard is that? How would you like it if I showed up at your house with all my dogs and let them poop on your yard and just left it there for you to step it!
Amen sister!
Then there are those people who DO USE their blinkers but keep it on for mile and mile and miles ….. 🙂
Personally, my biggest pet peeve is when I am guilty of my own pet peeves…. KWIM (Know what I mean?). )
In other words when I am guilty of not using my own blinker when I should. I know better but sometimes, I just forget.
But then again here in Arizona, many people use their Right Turn Blinker to signal that they are going to turn left from the RIGHT hand lane.
What’s with Californians and their ignorance of turn signals? It especially makes me crazy with an expensive car. Like the driver is exempt from the rules?!
I know!!! And I live in California! Those people who forgot about their turn signals scare me… they are living on the edge!
Again, MIzzzzz Perkie, you bring a smile to my face and a snort of recognition in my laugh. Bravo! Back at you
Wow! And a snort! I overshot… I was just going for a giggle! Thank you for your kind words.