This Saturday is my 7-year anniversary of being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. I wonder what Parkinson’s will give me to celebrate 7 years of having a committed relationship with it? Whoa… to think back to all the memorable moments that we have spent together… Priceless. I felt that the best way to celebrate our courtship was to write it a letter. So here goes…
Dear Parkinson’s,
Today we celebrate our 7th anniversary together. Even though we made it official on this day 7 years ago, I knew that you were apart of my life years before. I remember when I first noticed you. There you were, in my left pinky cramping up after the gym everyday. I played hard to get and pretended like you never existed. But don’t think for one minute that I didn’t see you when I couldn’t swing my left arm anymore. Oh man! You really got me on that one. Remember when I blamed sleeping on my arm? Heh, Heh! Then I found out it was you the whole time!
I almost went crazy when I started to trip over you. Dragging my left leg was a gift I never saw coming. It was then that I stopped playing coy and acknowledged you. Oh how we fought like cats and dogs, but somehow you never left me. Right when I thought I might have found a way to quit you, there you were at my door with a new goodie.
Then we made it officially on March 18th 2010, when the Neurologist said that we would be together forever and ever! My heart melted. Now don’t get me wrong, I know that we have our disagreements. Like when I want to go exercise and you just tell me I should sit on the couch and eat Hostess Cupcakes… the cream filling gets me every time. Or when I have a billion things to get done during the day, but you just keep slowing me down. Phfft.
By the way, I love the mask you gave me this year. The way it makes my eyes look like I just won the lottery. But I think that I will save that for Mardi Gras or maybe even Halloween. Oh and don’t forget one of our most memorable moments! When I laughed so hard I peed my pants… literally! Bwahahah! Wow! So many glorious times that we have shared, it’s hard to remember them all.
Well my dear, it has been a roller coaster ride with you. But I have a feeling you have strapped me in for the long haul. So maybe in the future you could go for the traditional gifts of wood or silverware?
Yours truly,
Perky Parkie~*
Very well written. At Lease you still have a since of humor
Um, happy anniversary, I guess-?
You make my day so much better with your humor! Now I’m going to eat my jelly beans hehehe! ~
🌈The not as Perkie Poppy (working on it)🌪
Happy anniversary! hope you can do something totally unrelated that makes you forget about the PD for a while.
Great letter Perky! I just “celebrated ” year 5 and can really relate to it all. Your stories are great. Moving,, inspirational and funny! Keep them coming.
One again you’ve managed to make me laugh and cry at the same time. And really p.o. , just kick the s.o.b. to the curb! I’m almost 4 years into the same dead end relationship. Perky you are tremendously talented ,no one else can express frustration and pain and still make us smile .
Thank you Stephen! Hope you can knock that loser out of your life.
New movie title… Seven Years A Slave? I just think back over all the outreach, making new friends, some traveling and professionals you have helped. So many good memories along with the trials. I’m very encouraged by treatment advancements, but hurry up with a cure! ❤️ U!
By the way. Share a Fro-Yo to celebrate the momentous event!
I am already one step ahead of you. Fro-Yo weekend is about to happen!
They don’t call it the Seven Year Itch for nothing ! 🙂