*I’m finally getting back to my life after having my medical setback and feeling better each day. I want to thank you for all the love and support that you sent my way. I would like to share a post I wrote… or should I say, Crash wrote on parkinsonsdisease.net. Enjoy!
We know that Parkinson’s disease doesn’t just impact the person diagnosed. It envelops all those surrounding… family, friends, co-workers, and even our pets. With this said, in recognition of April being Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month, I decided to let my dog child, Crash, take over my blog today as he answers the difficult question, “What does Parkinson’s mean to me?”
Woof. My name is Crash and my mommy has Barkinson’s. I want to share with you how our lives have changed since the day she came home in tears after going to the Veterinarian. I cry when I have to go to that office too. It always starts off with fun car rides and treats, but then ends up with a strange person who smells funny, poking me with needles, and taking my temperature in an intrusive manner.
So I have hijacked my mommy’s laptop today so I can put into human language… thank the doggie lama for Google Translate… what Barkinson’s means to me… {Click here to continue reading}.
hi. i was just wondeering if you wpuld still ,mail me a copy of your memoir, since I saw it noted again today that if you sign up for your blog, you get one. and i would still like to check it out….
When you subscribe to my blog, you will receive a link to downlaod an electronic copy of my book. You should receive an email containing the link.