On the 11th April 1755, James Parkinson was born in Shoreditch, London, England. Little did he know, his life would continue to impact millions of people over 200 years later. While James had a successful medical practice, he also dabbled in politics and paleontology. But it was in 1817 when his legacy began with the release of An Essay on the Shaking Palsy.
I can only imagine if James Parkinson were alive today, he would be astonished by what we have learned about Parkinson’s. How we have made leaps in the treatment of this disabling disease and how close we find ourselves to a cure. How a community has come together in the fight against Parkinson’s.
Today is the anniversary of his essay and I can only think of one way to celebrate… with cake and glitter! Ok, maybe not. But let’s use this anniversary to remind ourselves that we have made this progress because we came together and shared our knowledge, experience, and dedication to overcoming Parkinson’s. We must raise awareness. Teach and learn from others. Let our voices be heard because are stronger together.
So today, I challenge you today to do four things…
- Educate at least one person that doesn’t know about Parkinson’s disease.
- Learn one new thing about Parkinson’s that you didn’t know that is shocking, surprising, or just plan werid.
- Do something that will help improve your Parkinson’s. and if you don’t have any ideas… here’s a list of 100 things you can do today to help your PD or you can find a whole calendar of things to do in the month of April at Parkinson.org
- Share what you did for your challenge in the comment section below.
I came out as a Parkie on WPD! I was diagnosed in January and am YOPD. So, I did a WPD convo starter a la Q&A style. I plan to be a voice and advocate and I didn’t want to have to try to “hide” – I already wear glasses so, the whole alter ego thing wouldn’t work out!
That’s awesome! Get it girl!
My parkie wife and I love reading your Blog! Whoever sees it first gets “With It” points. We both are old and active. And we took your challenge. Today, after I walked our greyhound in the brief sunshine for over 4100 steps, Mary started walking the house (after stretching exercises), yes, walking into/around/exit every room in our house. Even the little space beside the bed: step in. turnaround, finish the room… We must have walked over half an hour, talking and laughing. Mary did very well walking heel-to-toe instead of shuffling stiffly. She had a great Easter Day!
Bless you, Allison! We hope to finish your challenge tomorrow, in Quarrantine!
Today, would you believe our city block had 13 people (5 with dogs) passing each other along the same 200′ of road in less than a minute. The cooperation and coordination was wordless, beautiful, funny, and wonderful in these times! Thankfully we had quarrantined traffic!
Sam, oh you’re comments brought a smile to my face! I’m so happy you and your awesome wife are doing the PD challenge. Hope you had a happy Easter!🐇🐣🐰
Hi Allison, – I have many friends who do NOT have PD. When they ask questions about my condition, or PD in general, that I am not sure how to reply to, or require detailed info I do not have, I often turn to your blog as a resource.
I feel like I am doing a little bit of teaching every day, and also that I am learning myself more every day, as well.
I was part of the world record thing this AM also. I shared the video to my friends to help them get a feel for the exercising.
Keep up your great work!
You just made my day! Happy to hear my blog is helping you in your journey with Parkinson’s. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for this challenge!
I just had a ride an the elliptical machine…
45 minutes… I’ll try to keep on going during confinement here in Belgium.
All the best 😉
Awesome effort Vero!! Bravo!
You little copy and paste cheater. Rerun. I’ll play along.
1. I told my dog, but she just shook me off. I also told someone how they can get an Aware and Care kit, because I’m da 💣.
2. The constant need for that reward feeling is why I crave candy so much. Umm, PD sucks why?
3. See number 4.
4. I helped break a record and I’m heading out for a run. Now it’s my turn. I challenge you to get off your ass and join me, Smitty!
It’s not cheating if it’s your own material. Just a modification of a classic… Running sounds like too much work, but I’m game for candy anytime. Now watch me get off my ass and walk down the road for some exercise.
Ha! You’re dumb. Great job exercising. 👏🏻 Maybe stay off the 🚲. 😏
Hi All, I just want to ask if anyone ever tried using medical cannabis as an alternative meds? I have read many articles about medical marijuana and how it can help you in terms of chronic pain, glaucoma, eating disorder/anorexia, anxiety disorders and panic attacks, inflammation, even cancer and a lot more. Like this article about parkinsons disease and marijuana from http://www.ilovegrowingmarijuana.com/parkinsons-disease/. Cbd and thc are also new to me and I don’t even smoke. If this is true I cant find any solid conclusive evidence that speaks to its efficacy. Any personal experience or testimonial would be highly appreciated. Thanks
I’ve had good results with medical cannabis. It eases my rigidy and helps me sleep. It will check out the link you posted. Thank you for your comment!
Thank you Alisson , you light the night
Thank you! Glad I could bring a little sunshine into your day!
Most definitely! BTW – I used your Superheroine article with a class I was teaching to show them how to write an analysis (part of an inclass exercise). They (intro college writing) really learned a lot and appreciated your knowledge and sense of humor as well as activism. Have a great 1.
Awesome Dan! Thank you for your sweet comment. You made my day!
Why not have a piece of cake? This day is not only that of James Parkinson (which I think is also his actual birthday) but also a special day for all people with Parkinson’s. So let’s make the best of it. 🙂 I have prepared a short quiz that I shared with my friends, family and on Facebook. They all stumbled over the hudge amount of symptoms. 🙂 Here’s the link (but it’s in German).
I wish you all the best
Take care and Keep on movin’
Awesome! I will check out your quiz!