It’s the holiday season and I am feeling very festive! Crash and I pose in our best holiday garb with the intention of putting positive energy out into the universe… is it working? Can you feel the love?
We are with my family in Arizona and enjoying some COVID free time together. We wanted to send our warmest wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season. May it be full of laughs, smiles, hugs, time with loved ones and most important hot chocolate!

It wouldn’t be Christmas without music, so I will leave you with two of my Parkinson’s holiday songs. I know, she blogs and writes music? How is she so talented? Enjoy!
Click here for: “‘Twas The Night Before A Perky Parkie Christmas“
Click here for: “12 Days of a Parkinson’s Christmas”
Another a gem from you. Have a great New Year.
Lou Troise
Best wishes to you and Crash and the rest of your family for a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy Perky Parkie New Year!
Love this post and the poems, so relatable.
‘Twas The Night Before a Perky Parkie Christmas was awesome.
I have to admit w/a 39 year old son w/YOPD reading the 12 days of a Parkinson’s Christmas was a bit tough to continue to read through all 12 days. He’s single & no children so as his mother I am his advocate.
I bought and read your book (his Dad read it too.) Beautifully written & you certainly put your ordeals! Into amazing content. I love the title as (You Are) I am not Contagious! Another beautiful read is “I Live a Life Like Yours” by Jan Grue
Hello Cindy,
Thank you for the recommendation on the book, I will definitely check it out. I too am single with no children. It can be a huge help when my family and friends step in. Your son is lucky to have such a caring mother. I’ve been blessed to have so much support from others… half the battle is accepting the help when offered. Thank you for reading my blog and book. Hope you have am amazing holiday season!
I love your poetry, Allison, and I love the way you make us laugh. I love making PD fun! I couldn’t resist sharing it with my family.
Fun! Where’s the hot chocolate?
Love this post❤